Homeopathy Needs Your Help : HERE'S HOW ! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently issued new Draft Guidance on the regulation of homeopathic medicine. Although somewhat better than its most recent previous Guidance - vigorously opposed by the industry and consumers - it still has provisions that could drastically restrict future use and manufacture of these remedies. The FDA is now accepting comments from the public, and this is the time to speak out clearly against restriction of homeopathy and for this important aide to health and wellness Americans for Homeopath Choice has prepared excellent guidelines for responding to the Daft Guidance, that I'd like to briefly introduce to you. Your comments will be sent directly to the FDA, your U.S Congressperson and Senators, our President and Vice President. This is an important moment for homeopathy, and your participation means a lot. Here's what you can do to help : 1) For an overview of the Draft Guidance and its meaning, plus key guidelines for your participation in this process, see this Background for Comments and Messages from Americans for Homeopathy Choice at any time. 2) To send your comments directly to the FDA and elected officials, patiently and carefully complete the steps on this page : https://homeopathychoice.org/fdacomment/ Please note that the page permits you to send a series of three carefully formulated messages. I encourage you to read each of these through (they're quite educational), and make any small changes you feel will personalize and individualize them 3) If you want to comment directly to the FDA (recommended - and a chance to share your personal positive experiences with homeopathy), use this additional link and page : https://www.regulations.gov/comment?D=FDA-2017-D-6580-4828 This is an important matter of health freedom - and your personal comments on how homeopathy has helped you, matter most This said, here are some guidelines to make your comments as effective as possible :
I encourage you to share this need and process as widely as possible. There are social icons both at the top of this page and immediately below, for this purpose. When you share, add comments of your own to let your friends know how important their support is ! Also if you share further on Facebook, or when you click share, don't just click "Share Now," but rather "Share Post" and when the window opens click the check box to the left that says "Share Original Post." This Draft Guidance comment process doesn't just need large numbers of signatures and messages - it needs massive numbers ! Be respectful, factual and succinct - but show the FDA a statement of solidarity it can neither ignore nor forget One more consideration regarding Facebook. Because of its algorithm it may not show your post to every one of your friends you'd like to reach. So if you want to make sure a person - or even more important, a group or page you follow - be sure to tag the people/groups/pages you want most to know. In case you don't know how to tag, just type the @ sign and start typing the name, with no space in between. When the name pops up, just click on it and you've tagged. Facebook may have a limit on how many times you can tag on one post or comment - but you should be able to tag at least ten you want to reach most. You can also copy the URL (the page address of any desired post or page), from the address bar at the top of the page ..... and paste it, with your comments, anywhere you need to ! These are the tools of modern activism, that extend the reach of good ideas and actions needing to be taken. I hope you'll run with them ! Jeff Smith RN (Retired)
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AuthorJeff Smith RN, born 1950. A registered nurse since 1984 - but holistic in my outlook to health since probably around 1968. Living Waters Wellness considers not just the health of the physical body, but our soul and spirit, our social forms, our environment - and as a matter of fact, our whole earth. It's a new website, and a work in progress - but by all means, have a look around ! Archives
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