The Most Complete Resource Yet One hidden potential benefit in a crisis, is that it throws us back on our own resources - it makes us dig deeper, and extend our development in new and important ways. Such has been the case for this group in the the Philippines, where COVID-19 lockdowns are among the most extreme in the world. These lockdowns have been especially devastating for people in second and third world countries. I received this yesterday from a Facebook Friend in the Philippines, and it's one of the most comprehensive presentations on COVID I've seen. It give both an overview of the matter, and insight into many of its component parts. I post this for your personal interest - but please also share it with friends. Click here for the homepage of this in-depth resource. I encourage an initial scan of key topics, then a deeper dive into those aspects closest to your heart : "Science Has Spoken - End the Lockdown" Here's an additional link to this group's newsletter (highly recommended) : COVID Call to Humanity And a sampling of some typical blog posts : Truth to Action Although it's become one, I feel COVID-19 should never have been a political issue. It's a medical, practical and social problem in need of solutions - but not beyond our collective grasp. This website explores questions of science in a sober, clarifying way, with skilled review of facts and statistics. It should untangle certain common confusions, and show pathways for more effective action. Be well - and be part of the solution !
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"Just a little review of my termination 2 years ago from a 35 year career in nursing. I declined the mandatory flu shot. I requested to wear a mask during the duration of "flu season," which had always been hospital policy. I was told that surgical masks as well as N95 masks are not effective in filtering viral particulate. Masking was no longer an option and I was fired. Now the public is being told to be "good citizens," "wear your mask to protect others," "you're being selfish if you don't mask." Excuse me - I don't understand why I was fired 2 years ago because hospital grade masks were not effective enough in filtering viruses, but now suddenly tying any kind of covering around your face is good enough to protect you and the public. I call BS on all of it ! I'm sick of all of the constantly changing guidelines and recommendations. The science doesn't change every other week but politically driven, orchestrated narratives do. Just think about it. If masks are made mandatory for all, people will be eager to line up for the experimental covid vaccine just to be able to take off their masks. Forced compliance has always been looming. No shot - wear a mask indefinitely. No shot - you can't travel. No shot - you can't renew your driver's license. No shot - sorry you can't go into public places. Get the picture ? Sorry I'm not buying it, nor will I comply to mandated mask wearing or mandated vaccines. If you're sick stay home. If you're healthy breathe freely and maintain your health and immune system. In a few short months we may be faced with another mandatory order. What will your choice be ? I value my autonomy and the right to make my own health decisions. That won't change." Michelle McAllister Krinsky #HealthFreedom
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AuthorJeff Smith RN, born 1950. A registered nurse since 1984 - but holistic in my outlook to health since probably around 1968. Living Waters Wellness considers not just the health of the physical body, but our soul and spirit, our social forms, our environment - and as a matter of fact, our whole earth. It's a new website, and a work in progress - but by all means, have a look around ! Archives
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