Photo : Rozanne Hartmann
Health .....
As human beings we have a capacity for choice ; we live in a choice filled world, and our choices have consequences, both for better and worse. The path of wellness is a series of such choices ; choices to add positive things to our lives, and "subtract" negative ones where we can. We can learn to see life in terms of choice : to expect new choices to come, and to frame them ever more skillfully. We can learn to think our choices through carefully, learning from both successes and mistakes. At best, we learn to take each new situation on its own terms, uniquely in the present.
And learn we must - for as beautiful and bountiful as our world can be, it also includes illness and pain. We find ourselves in situations we didn’t expect, among people whose actions and attitudes we can’t control. Murphy’s Law declares “If anything can go wrong, it will” And it does. We may also expect that :
- What we neglect or abuse will suffer
- What we build badly will fall apart
- What we treat differently than its own laws and nature require will be harmed - including ourselves
To this we can also add the cheerful news that :
- We're aging - and this will continue until we die !
In a college Special Education course, a truly inspiring instructor once asked us :
"What is the least expensive way to deal with childhood disabilities ?"
After leaving us some moments of thoughtful silence, she then answered
her own question :
"The best possible treatment at the earliest possible time"
This applies not just to illness, but to health. The best possible care of our bodies at the earliest possible time ; the best care of our emotional lives ; our best and most healthy attention to the way we think - for a "least expensive” path of personal wellness, these can be deciding factors.
While we can't control people and events in our world, over time good choices tend to bring positive results and experiences into our lives. To identify and support these kinds of choices - this is our goal with Living Waters Wellness Health !
Jeff Smith RN
Building Your Personal Wellness Program !
Why Be Healthy ?
Living Waters Wellness Articles : Earthly and Cosmic Nutrition
Living Waters Wellness Articles : Environmental Toxic Substances
What to DO About the FLU !
As human beings we have a capacity for choice ; we live in a choice filled world, and our choices have consequences, both for better and worse. The path of wellness is a series of such choices ; choices to add positive things to our lives, and "subtract" negative ones where we can. We can learn to see life in terms of choice : to expect new choices to come, and to frame them ever more skillfully. We can learn to think our choices through carefully, learning from both successes and mistakes. At best, we learn to take each new situation on its own terms, uniquely in the present.
And learn we must - for as beautiful and bountiful as our world can be, it also includes illness and pain. We find ourselves in situations we didn’t expect, among people whose actions and attitudes we can’t control. Murphy’s Law declares “If anything can go wrong, it will” And it does. We may also expect that :
- What we neglect or abuse will suffer
- What we build badly will fall apart
- What we treat differently than its own laws and nature require will be harmed - including ourselves
To this we can also add the cheerful news that :
- We're aging - and this will continue until we die !
In a college Special Education course, a truly inspiring instructor once asked us :
"What is the least expensive way to deal with childhood disabilities ?"
After leaving us some moments of thoughtful silence, she then answered
her own question :
"The best possible treatment at the earliest possible time"
This applies not just to illness, but to health. The best possible care of our bodies at the earliest possible time ; the best care of our emotional lives ; our best and most healthy attention to the way we think - for a "least expensive” path of personal wellness, these can be deciding factors.
While we can't control people and events in our world, over time good choices tend to bring positive results and experiences into our lives. To identify and support these kinds of choices - this is our goal with Living Waters Wellness Health !
Jeff Smith RN
Building Your Personal Wellness Program !
Why Be Healthy ?
Living Waters Wellness Articles : Earthly and Cosmic Nutrition
Living Waters Wellness Articles : Environmental Toxic Substances
What to DO About the FLU !