Living Waters Wellness
The social forms that give our lives meaning are under challenge today, in some cases breaking down. New forms in the meantime have yet to fully emerge. What's helpful and positive in our world needs our constant attention - while what's destructive and negative seems to grow on its own. We hope for and may at times catch glimpses of transformation - but at others, glimpses into an abyss.
Vague and wishful measures it seems, won't work in our world anymore - nor will dogmatic, reactionary ones. Living Waters Wellness seeks to discern what has life from the past - but also to nurture what's in process of birth. Only from living forms and impulses can a more healthy, human future arise.
Our way of working with Living Waters Wellness is to be a door - an entry point to resources old and new. Through links and suggested readings, we also hope to be a bridge from first meetings with an idea or resource, to deeper exploration. You may find ideas here you’re already familiar with - but perhaps also something completely new. Something that helps your life blossom in ways you didn't expect ..... or possibly even saves it. This is our intention, and the goal of Living Waters Wellness !
Yours in health and illness,
Jeff Smith RN
Roswitha Smith TE
"Living Water" : Conversation with a Young Friend
To Use This Website
Why Be Healthy ?
The social forms that give our lives meaning are under challenge today, in some cases breaking down. New forms in the meantime have yet to fully emerge. What's helpful and positive in our world needs our constant attention - while what's destructive and negative seems to grow on its own. We hope for and may at times catch glimpses of transformation - but at others, glimpses into an abyss.
Vague and wishful measures it seems, won't work in our world anymore - nor will dogmatic, reactionary ones. Living Waters Wellness seeks to discern what has life from the past - but also to nurture what's in process of birth. Only from living forms and impulses can a more healthy, human future arise.
Our way of working with Living Waters Wellness is to be a door - an entry point to resources old and new. Through links and suggested readings, we also hope to be a bridge from first meetings with an idea or resource, to deeper exploration. You may find ideas here you’re already familiar with - but perhaps also something completely new. Something that helps your life blossom in ways you didn't expect ..... or possibly even saves it. This is our intention, and the goal of Living Waters Wellness !
Yours in health and illness,
Jeff Smith RN
Roswitha Smith TE
"Living Water" : Conversation with a Young Friend
To Use This Website
Why Be Healthy ?