The Spirit !
By “the spirit”, we mean first of all simply the individuality of each human being ; what is called the human ego : that unique part in each of us which we refer to when we say “I”
This might seem a rather humble description of “the spirit” – wouldn’t we expect something more lofty, more esoteric and mysterious from that word ? Well, let’s not sell ourselves short. We understand this ego to be the eternal part in the human being ; whose path, though perhaps not clearly understood in our culture, continues beyond death ; which in perspectives that include the concept of reincarnation, evolves through a series of earthly lives. |
Photo : Rozanne Hartmann
This ego of ours, this I, lives within our body and soul constitution ; but can also in time gain a certain independence of them, and from its surrounding environment : from its upbringing, education, social setting and past experiences. By effort, it can gradually develop real free choice, and responsibly direct our lives.
Yet our human spirit, our ego and individuality, lives amidst many distractions : our personal history and "baggage" of experiences ; the desires and dislikes of our soul ; the fluctuations of our health ; the heaviness and solidness of our body ; and not least, the everyday busyness and demands of our life. The spirit in us is in many ways a child - the newest, most promising part of our human makeup - and the most vulnerable !
By “the spirit”, we also mean the activities and culture this “I”, this ego of the human being creates and builds builds up around itself : the realm of human ideas and thinking ; of art and education ; of religion and spiritual development ; of ethics, morality and law ; of the healing arts, and of technical and practical innovations. This "domain of the spirit” includes inventive and creative human activity of all kinds.
Lastly with “the spirit “, we can include the greater spiritual context in which we live :
- The creation and history of our earth, as described in virtually every human
culture and religion.
- Its ongoing relationships/interactions with the spiritual world from which - per
these many accounts - it and we have come.
- The evolution of human culture and consciousness in the unfolding of
successive cultural epochs.
- The path of inner training for knowledge of higher worlds.
- And not least, the mystery of our relationship with God, and
- Our inevitable confrontation with evil.
Have we begun to touch the realm of "lofty" ? As elsewhere, Living Waters Wellness The Spirit ! seeks to identify what's most alive, and what promotes life, in this realm of human endeavor. Nevertheless, we won't lose sight of the essential : the importance, value and dignity of every human being – our starting point and special focus, to which we’ll ever and again return.
Jeff Smith RN (Retired)
Yet our human spirit, our ego and individuality, lives amidst many distractions : our personal history and "baggage" of experiences ; the desires and dislikes of our soul ; the fluctuations of our health ; the heaviness and solidness of our body ; and not least, the everyday busyness and demands of our life. The spirit in us is in many ways a child - the newest, most promising part of our human makeup - and the most vulnerable !
By “the spirit”, we also mean the activities and culture this “I”, this ego of the human being creates and builds builds up around itself : the realm of human ideas and thinking ; of art and education ; of religion and spiritual development ; of ethics, morality and law ; of the healing arts, and of technical and practical innovations. This "domain of the spirit” includes inventive and creative human activity of all kinds.
Lastly with “the spirit “, we can include the greater spiritual context in which we live :
- The creation and history of our earth, as described in virtually every human
culture and religion.
- Its ongoing relationships/interactions with the spiritual world from which - per
these many accounts - it and we have come.
- The evolution of human culture and consciousness in the unfolding of
successive cultural epochs.
- The path of inner training for knowledge of higher worlds.
- And not least, the mystery of our relationship with God, and
- Our inevitable confrontation with evil.
Have we begun to touch the realm of "lofty" ? As elsewhere, Living Waters Wellness The Spirit ! seeks to identify what's most alive, and what promotes life, in this realm of human endeavor. Nevertheless, we won't lose sight of the essential : the importance, value and dignity of every human being – our starting point and special focus, to which we’ll ever and again return.
Jeff Smith RN (Retired)
Living Waters Wellness Resources : "The Spirit !"
Personal Effectiveness : How Things Change
Thirty Ways to Waste Less Time
Solve Problems Like an RN !
Cheerleading Statements (Healthy Self Talk)
Practical Training in Thought
Working with a Verse
The Conditions of Esoteric Training
"The Six Subsidiary Exercises"
Reincarnation and Karma : A New Perspective
Facing Karma
The Path of Higher Knowledge
Codependency, Grail Kings and Queens - And Me
Return to : LivingWaters Wellness : "The Spirit"
Personal Effectiveness : How Things Change
Thirty Ways to Waste Less Time
Solve Problems Like an RN !
Cheerleading Statements (Healthy Self Talk)
Practical Training in Thought
Working with a Verse
The Conditions of Esoteric Training
"The Six Subsidiary Exercises"
Reincarnation and Karma : A New Perspective
Facing Karma
The Path of Higher Knowledge
Codependency, Grail Kings and Queens - And Me
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