To Use This Website . . . . .
Explore our main pages
Living waters flow where they will - and I follow where they go. Together, these things make LWW a quite eclectic website. Check out “ Health !”, “Emotional Wellness”, “World B Well”, etc. to learn the structure of the site, but know : the articles and themes are of many kinds. Wherever you start, whatever the site seems to be at first ..... there's more !
Explore Our Links
To keep our pages uncluttered, LWW is built as a kind of “links archipelago”. Our articles are brief or written in short sections - but there are possibilities everywhere to learn more. Follow the links deeper : there are pearls down there.
Interact with us !
Use the contact forms on any page to ask a question or make a comment.
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Again, use our contact forms - and please also share any areas of special interest to you.
Donate Your Skills
As I build this site I'm always learning new skills - but we still need help with computer and technical matters. For this, visit Save Living Waters Wellness ! and see "Help Needed".
Donate content
This could include photos, an article you recommend - or an article you write yourself. There's a link on our Save Living Waters Wellness ! page to do this. If you'd consider writing an article for this site, please also note what we offer in return !
Donate financially
Every morning, we wake up filled with new ideas for this website – it’s no exaggeration. We'll be doing this the rest of our lives, and will grow it as big as we can. Your donations via our "Donate" button at Save Living Waters Wellness ! help make this happen. Also, not least, support Living Waters Wellness simply by buying on - see ads at the bottom of every Living Waters Wellness !
Help us be more visible !
-Tell friends about Living Waters Wellness - send them a link to any of our pages, with a good word about it.
- Post links to our pages on Facebook !
- Visit and "Like" our More Better Healthy ! wellness products page
- Tweet out a link to any LWW page on Twitter, or spread the word through other social media you use. We need your help and appreciate the "buzz” !
Jeff Smith RN
Roswitha Smith TE