There is a knighthood of the 21st century
Whose riders do not ride through the darkness of physical forests as of old, But through the forest of darkened minds. They are armed with a spiritual armor, and an inner sun makes them radiant. Out of them shines healing. Healing that flows from the knowledge of the human being as a spiritual being. They must create inner order, inner justice, peace and conviction in the darkness of our time. They must learn to work side by side with angels. - Karl Koenig Rudolf Steiner's Threefold Social Idea What to Read Next ? Dear Friends, Our Sunday afternoon (1 pm U.S. Pacific time) study group on Rudolf Steiner's threefold social idea will soon finish "Towards Social Renewal". We've dwindled down to three regular members and three frequent or intermittent ones, and Sandra recently raised the question whether there are enough of us to make it worthwhile to continue - or should we perhaps think about disbanding ? I'm a threefold social idea "lifer" myself, and want to be part of the creative penetration of this idea into every corner of the earth - whatever course this needs or will take. I'll continue to study Steiner's writings on this "something new under the sun" idea - and want very preferably to do so with others. So for me the questions come down to : what to study next ; this decided, how to study and work for the advancement of threefolding ; and with whom ? We've been a group that's stopped easily for check ins and personal sharing, but have moved towards closer, more granular study of the text itself. This coming Sunday we'll start promptly with this week's reading from Rudolf Steiner's Calendar of the Soul, continue with study and discussion of the book, then leave the last half hour for a look at some possible next readings. We'll close with the verse above, as we have in recent months. Here are some possible next choices for our next work : A list of suggested readings on the threefold idea shared elsewhere by Seth Jordan : Resources for Developing a Whole Society Perspective Named, but without links in the above list is the important article collection Renewal of the Social Organism Two more resources oriented towards becoming more social ourselves, within the social organism : Inner Aspects of the Social Question and Social and Antisocial Forces in the Human Being We may not reach a decision yet on Sunday, but please have a look at these options, and bring your own thoughts and perspective ! With best greetings, Jeff Smith Next in series : Study Group : Rudolf Steiner's Threefold Social Idea
AuthorJeff Smith RN, born 1950. A registered nurse since 1984 - but holistic in my outlook to health since probably around 1968. Living Waters Wellness considers not just the health of the physical body, but our soul and spirit, our social forms, our environment - and as a matter of fact, our whole earth. It's a new website, and a work in progress - but by all means, have a look around ! Archives
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