Painting : Ivan Aivazovsky
What a remarkable statement to read first thing this morning - and what a beautiful image to go with it. The frustrations, obstacles, trials and vulnerability life inevitably brings eventually do bring us to this point ; and rather than being our demise, as we might have thought, surrender is the way to what people mean when they say "salvation". This doesn't mean we can't be robust, active, competent or effective, have exact observations or be fighters for what is good, beautiful and true in the world - but a mindset of surrender may be the best way to begin with any of these things. Thanks so much to Martin O'Keefe-Liddard for posting ! Inner Alchemy and The Resurrection Body "Today, in modern spirituality, the emphasis tends to be on controlling oneself and environment. This apparent control of ones life, or manifestations, is seen as spiritual mastery. Spiritual knowledge and techniques are twisted to serve the purpose of self aggrandizement and one seems to seek spirituality, not to truly transform oneself, but to gain a sense of control. “How can I manifest this car ?” “How can I get this person to like me ?” “How can I manipulate the people and forces around me to get what I want, so that I can feel good ?” Etc. On and on we go. Trapped in the cycle of material delusion. While this is understandable, it is an impossible endeavor, as healing, knowledge and power come only through the surrendering of the will, and ultimately ego, to Christ. Through the presence of Christ within you healing comes, often in ways that you could not even think to ask. As spiritual beings this is the reality of our existence, the mind can often not comprehend the problem, nor the true solution. Thus, through the presence of Christ within you, knowledge appears as though you have always known it. Your wondering and desire for it was merely a mark of your temporary separation from Him. Through surrendering to the Christ within power also appears in its truest form : love. All craving for worldly power stems from the craving for love. And thus it is only the presence of genuine love that can empower. This love already rests within your heart center. And here, we see that we return to our true selves through Him. That somehow, through this great being, our unique identity becomes known to us. That we know ourselves, heal ourselves and transform ourselves through His force within ourselves. This is part of the Mystery of Christ, the curious reality that we can only truly know ourselves through the surrendering of ourselves to Him. And, here, we finally begin to step off the wheel of Saṃsāra. Our higher bodies fill with everlasting life and we transcend our ties to this material plane. The key here is to understand that inner alchemy, and all true transformation in the material world, occurs through entering into what arises with Christ acknowledged within the heart center. This means that we do not seek to muscle, or override, our current circumstances. Instead we relax and enter deeply into them, we observe them, feel them, and allow them to speak with the light of Christ as our guide. Like Christ overcame death, through his presence within us we can die many times and be reborn into yet higher and higher aspects of ourselves. Perhaps the biggest fear in regards to healing is that we are alone in it ; but nothing could be further from the truth. Clarity and guidance also appears through this inner union with Christ. In this process, forces that need to be released begin to loosen under the spiritual presence of the Christ within us. Forces that need to be brought inward to build and heal also arise from within the Christ Essence within us. Thus we do not avoid pain, and we also do not try to overcome it, or subjugate it, instead we step into the dark places, the wounds, the fear and transform it. All pain and trouble has a message for you, a meaning, and it will never truly heal until you understand it. And, we cannot do this alone. Here, through this divine process, the most mundane acts in one's life become holy and full of miracles. The reaching for greater and greater distractions and stimulations also disappears. We have made the smallest actions divine ! And as the mundane has now become holy, we naturally begin to build ourselves yet an even higher body to live in ! One that reaches beyond this material world : The Resurrection Body." - Gigi Young
AuthorJeff Smith RN, born 1950. A registered nurse since 1984 - but holistic in my outlook to health since probably around 1968. Living Waters Wellness considers not just the health of the physical body, but our soul and spirit, our social forms, our environment - and as a matter of fact, our whole earth. It's a new website, and a work in progress - but by all means, have a look around ! Archives
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