LWW Activism Supershots
Please Make These Dreams Come True ! Today, on Election Day 2020, I'm building my wish list for the next 365 days. Since you're my friends I hope you'll help me make them come true : 1) I'd really like to see my friends on the more conservative side discover (please bear with me) MEXICO, if they haven't yet, and - exercising normal precautions and common sense - come down here and see what it's about. Don't just hang out in a time share ghetto with other gringos, find ways to get out there and see how the people are and live. It could change your life and outlook in surprising ways. Beyond that, to my more conservative friends, I wish for you that you find ways to travel in general, if you can. Same reasons. 2) I'd like to see the following people get together, with no more initial agenda than "we need to talk" : - Black Lives Matter people. - Good cops who've been pushed to the edge by staffing and budget cuts this year. - Parents of children with vaccine injuries. - People with food and chemical sensitivities. - People with autoimmune diseases. - People highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields. - People who've lost or had their businesses crippled by COVID-19 policies this year. - People who do "non-essential" work, and have lost most of their income due to COVID policies this year. - People who are in the tourist industry and have been devastated by COVID policies this year. - People who've lost or are in danger of losing their homes this year because of COVID policies. - People who've ESCAPED the COVID economic havoc thus far. - People who take as much responsibility for their own health as they possibly can. - People 100% willing to learn more about caring for their own health, and take more responsibility for it in the next year. I'd also like to see people who want to make voting rights complete and pristine sit down with people who want to make MEDICAL FREEDOM complete and pristine. Friends, can we talk ? 3) I wish for my conservative friends who haven't acknowledged man made global warming so far, to do so ( ! ) I also wish for my more progressive friends who DO acknowledge GW to step back from government regulation as a way of dealing with it - and instead focus on egregious individual offenders ("law enforcement approach"). The point is that there is a problem ; but that regulation of all things cripples - while prosecution of serious dangerous practices actually works, and is ENOUGH. Make this crucial, CRITICAL distinction, people - and start talking to each other ! 4) The question arises for me : how do you reduce the flames of divisiveness in our country - and the world ? Two things that occur to me : a) Withdraw fuel. b) Withdraw air. We really can't control the actions or attitude of others - only our own. We can "keep our own side of the street clean", and no one can really stop us from doing that. Here are some things I hope we do in the next year (and in fact, always) : - Refuse to make inflammatory statements, and STEP BACK when others do. - Deal only in facts we can verify. - Look for the things we AGREE on with people, and work together with them on those, where possible. - Take a step deeper into the process, and contact our elected officials with our wishes and concerns. Do it regularly, and build up an actual relationship with them. - Give direct feedback to CORPORATIONS that are causing us injury, harm or loss. Under everything, we need them to change their practices that hurt us, and their products that cause us harm. It's a feedback loop we perhaps haven't used much yet, but I think we need to start talking to them directly. If they ignore us, we still have the option -together - to bring down the law on criminal actions. That's what the law is for. The message in ALL these things, I think, is that we need to talk to each other - regularly, directly and with goodwill. Including with people we don't usually talk to. Please help make my wishes come true ! Jeff Smith RN (Retired) Bucerias, Mexico 11/3/2020
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AuthorJeff Smith RN, born 1950. A registered nurse since 1984 - but holistic in my outlook to health since probably around 1968. Living Waters Wellness considers not just the health of the physical body, but our soul and spirit, our social forms, our environment - and as a matter of fact, our whole earth. It's a new website, and a work in progress - but by all means, have a look around ! Archives
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