First things first - given the kind of material we study, the way it's written and the way we study it, the world would need to decide for itself to be conquered or not. But as a member of that world, please hear me out ! We're a group that's met for several years now, with ever closer focus on Rudolf Steiner's threefold social idea. Most recently we've looked at inner aspects of this with Steiner's Social and Antisocial Forces in the Human Being, and before that, his first and foundational book on the subject, Towards Social Renewal (see resources). We read each text carefully together, and stop to explore when someone has a question or insight. In my experience, the discussion has gotten better and better with time. Next we'll read the first five chapters of Steiner's World Economy (we may decide to read more) - and this may be where you come in. Rudolf Steiner had scholarly knowledge in astonishingly many of fields - but his books and lecture are not just more information in an information-choked world, but windows into new ways of looking at a subject, no matter which one. In a world where economic life is hit with shocks, conflicts and breakdowns not just more frequently, but of increasing magnitude, "world economy" seems in real need of this. I've read through the first chapter of the new book twice now, and it seems clear he'll deliver again. I said that my thoughts have been grandiose recent mornings, but my sense is that many people today might welcome new insights on economy, and new ways to look at it - or at least need and could benefit from them. Hundreds of people. Thousands. Even millions. My mind boggles to think of all these people, most newcomers to all this, joining our study group. But then I think : maybe I shouldn't underestimate them - or us ! What We Do Our "method" of studying, as noted, is to read carefully, with a goal simply to understand what's said, and to clarify through questions and discussion. We've learned to listen to each other, to not fight and to simply let different thoughts stand side by side in service of insight. As for the structure of our group, for the first half hour we share how different ones of us have worked with these ideas in the past week. Each of us, in our greater or smaller way, hopes to find ways to help this threefold social idea grow into a future healthier threefold social ordering of society, even in our own lives. For me it's energizing both to hear these updates, and to share what I've done myself. At the half hour mark, we do two things. First we hear the weekly verse from Rudolf Steiner's Calendar of the Soul, in both English and German, the original language. Then, whoever wants to can invite friends who have died, who took special interest in the threefold idea, or who we feel might now. For many of us, our sense is that they not only can, but do join us in active, helpful ways. Then, for the next hour, we study and discuss. At the end our meeting we hear this verse of Karl Koenig, founder of the Camphill Village movement for developmentally disabled children and adults : There is a knighthood of the 21st century Whose riders do not ride through the darkness of physical forests as of old, But through the forest of darkened minds. They are armed with a spiritual armor, and an inner sun makes them radiant. Out of them shines healing. Healing that flows from the knowledge of the human being as a spiritual being. They must create inner order, inner justice, peace and conviction in the darkness of our time. They must learn to work side by side with angels. What YOU Can Do We meet by Zoom every Sunday afternoon from 4 to 5:30 pm U.S. Eastern Time. For years, one friend gets up very early in Australia and listens in on her long drive to work. Although we seldom hear her voice, when we do we're glad, and she's always fully there in what she shares. We welcome new members, but clearly for some in this wide world, the times won't line up - ever. But here's another possibility, to me an exciting one. If you can't join us in person, we invite you to read along with us, independent but parallel, in this book and future ones, wherever you are. Or to start your own threefold study group, in time zones within your reach. We feel Rudolf Steiner's threefold social idea is very important to understand today, a kind of "missing link" to a more healthy social future. It's no problem to add you to our email list for weekly updates. Like world economy, as seen in the first chapter of our new book, the need for a threefold understanding of society is a worldwide phenomenon. And the basic unit of a potentially healthier society is the individual human being, working together with other individual human beings. Will you join us ? Literature Our current reading, as noted, is World Economy by Rudolf Steiner Read for free : World Economy GA/CW 340 - Rudolf Steiner Archive Listen : "Rethinking Economics" - GA/CW 340, 1922 - Rudolf Steiner Audio MORE Resources on Rudolf Steiner's Threefold Social Idea If you feel this post could be helpful and that this theme is important please share them with friends !
AuthorJeff Smith RN, born 1950. A registered nurse since 1984 - but holistic in my outlook to health since probably around 1968. Living Waters Wellness considers not just the health of the physical body, but our soul and spirit, our social forms, our environment - and as a matter of fact, our whole earth. It's a new website, and a work in progress - but by all means, have a look around ! Archives
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